Patient Information


For patients following surgery

Most patients experience some degree of swelling after surgery and discoloration of the skin in the area may also occur. Following the instructions below will promote healing and minimize post-operative discomfort.

  • Use cold applications over the area as soon as possible. 1/2 hour at first, then for 20 minutes every 1/2 hour. Do not use cold after the day of surgery.

  • Take pain medications and/or antibiotics as prescribed.

  • Avoid smoking and drinking hot liquids for at least 24 hours.

  • Do NOT lift or pull up your lip, as this may cause tearing.

  • Avoid chewing in the surgical area for at least 72 hours.

  • There may be a slight oozing of blood for 24-36 hours. If active bleeding is present, call our office.

  • Brush normally and be very careful in the surgical area.

  • Starting with the second day, rinse your mouth with warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt to a 8 oz. glass of water) after each meal and before bed. Continue until healing is complete.

If any unusual symptoms develop, please call our office for instructions.



As our teeth grow, the root beneath the gum continues to develop for a year or two after the tooth is first visible in our mouth. Occasionally the tooth and nerve are damaged before the root is completely grown. If the damage is severe, further root development may stop. These teeth require a different type of endodontic (root canal) treatment.

The purpose of this treatment (called Apexification) is to try to stimulate new growth of the root so that the root canal can be properly sealed. A special medicated material is placed within the cleaned root canal and is sealed inside for a period of 3 months to a year or more. This medication may be replaced several times before the final filling of the root canal is completed.

Although this type of treatment gives very good success, not every tooth will respond favorably. Your doctor will inform you of the progress of the treatment and of any changes in the method of treatment. It is VERY important that the tooth be checked at the intervals the doctor suggests. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning this treatment.

If any problem develops between appointments or if the temporary filling comes out, call us promptly.